Goals are meant to be broken. Right?
Happy Wednesday Friends! Hope you had a chance to check out The Holiday Guide by Emily Henderson yesterday! On October 5th we set out to reoganize our lives and comit to a to-do list (while sharing a bunch of free downloadables!) Today we are on day 28, and I have to be honest, plans changed, projects were added, and there is no way to knock this list out (the countertops just got here yesterday!)
So here is the origional list in it's current state:
The to-do list over the next thirty days looks a little something like this:
1.) Finish the kitchen cabinets (oil polyurethane yellowed, now we need to redo with water based. we were warned).
2.) Finish the curtains in the guest room; I reordered the fabric! Should be here soon! + Finish styling
3.) Greywash fireplace in bedroom
4.) Greywash heater covers in bedroom
5.) *Bonus* Greywash whole closet in master bedroom.
6.) Patch water leak in dining room + paint entire dining room
7.) Patch water leak in foyer + paint entire foyer ceiling
8.) Paint/Stencil downstairs guestroom
9.) Patch wall in downstairs bathroom
10.) Move couch to Joey's office; two flights of stairs...ugh!
11.) Buy new dishwasher and have it installed
12.) Buy five (yes five!) fans and install
13.) Install backsplash in kitchen
14.) Install counters in kitchen
15.) Purge my closet, big time - Hello Goodwill!
16.) Install light outside we bought two years ago - I know, I know...
17.) Hang pillars in bedroom + finish that window wall
Not so hot. 3.5 items off a 17 item list. However, we did knock out a few projects not on the list. Like painting the kitchen door red, and refashioning a light we have yet to tell you about!
So item #17 made the bed wall of the master a little more complete. For your viewing pleasure:
We painted the bases Joey made, and put them right back where they belong. Our room has been a bit of a problem. See it's really big and long. And trust, I love a big bedroom. However the TV cable is alllll the way across the room so putting the bed where it is, only makes sense. So we were going to do this whole curtain-across-the-wall-thing, but now we may switch it up. We'll see.
In the next seven days I vow to complete #15, and am ditching #3, #4, and #5 for now.See why the closet needs some time:
So the new list looks something like this:
1.) Finish the kitchen cabinets (oil polyurethane yellowed, now we need to redo with water based. we were warned).
2.) Finish the curtains in the guest room; I reordered the fabric! Should be here soon! + Finish styling
3.) *NEW* Paint Dining Room
4.) *NEW* Install kitchen cabinets
5.) *NEW* Style downstairs guest room
6.) Patch water leak in dining room
7.) Patch water leak in foyer + paint entire foyer ceiling
8.) Paint/Stencil downstairs guestroom
9.) Patch wall in downstairs bathroom
10.) Move couch to Joey's office; two flights of stairs...ugh!
11.) Buy new dishwasher and have it installed
12.) Buy five (yes five!) fans and install
13.) Install backsplash in kitchen
14.) Buy + Install counters in kitchen
15.) Purge my closet, big time - Hello Goodwill!
16.) Install light outside we bought two years ago - I know, I know...
17.) Hang pillars in bedroom + finish that window wall
18.) Paint Kitchen door red
19.) Refresh light over sink
So now it's more like 5.5 of 19 items are done and to be realistic, I think we should add another 30-60 days simply because we need a dishwasher to be delivered and still need to agree on paint colors, and some other things. If you have read our blog for any amount of time, you know decisions can take a long time with us.
Do you switch your plans mid project? Ever think you finished a room only to change your mind - and your room all over again right after?
Reader Comments (7)
My to-do lists are constantly evolving. They're meant as a tool, not the rule, right!? Good luck with your projects - I love following along :)
@jen so true! thanks!!!
Hooray for progress!! Whether it's a little or a lot it is still progress ;)
Eager to see your new counters! Post pics soon!
@emily this week!!!!
@krishann yr always an upper! thanks love! we got really far this weekend!
Looks like you have a lot of clothe sin your closet. Why don't you try having a garage sale for unused clothes and things?