Want to Win 5K for Your Next DIY Project? We Thought So!
Good morning lovlies! Are you working hard on your #Pinterestchallenge? Hope so! I CAN'T WAIT to see what everyone comes up with! Have you guessed what we are doing yet? Today we wanted to share something pretty darn exciting. It involves you, and extra $5,000 towards your next project, and some pretty funny moments. Intrigued? Want another challenge? Read on...
So, ever work on a project (we are guessing you have!) and got lost in communication? Joey and I are always having moments where (mostly me!) communicate about something so poorly, it turns comical. It goes something like this:
Me: "Hey babe! Where is the thing we used to fix the other thing last month?!"
Joey: "Huh? What are you talking about?!
Me: "You knoooooooooow. The thing."
Joey: Walking into the room with a hammer "This thing"
Me: "Ugh! No! You know what I mean...."
You get the gist. This happens to us oh so often. It's usually followed by a massive fail and waste of time by doing a project with the wrong tools and having to start over. Tell me we aren't alone! I know this has to happen across the states every moment of every day. 3M's line, 3M Frameworks, has the tools to unfool you. Scotch Blue Tape, TEKK Protection, LeadCheck swabs, Abrasives and Tough Duct Tape are products we use around here often. We actually have a really big paint fail we need to share. Let's just say we were out of Scoth Blue Tape...
It looks like these guys have the same problem. They totally remind me of us! So what's the deal? 3M is hosting a pretty amazing contest right now. Make a video about your communication problems when you are getting your DIY on and make a video that's two minutes or less to show the humor in your failure to communicate. The mission, should you chose to accept it, will grant two winners $5,000! Also if you want to write a transcript of your miscommunication, weekly winners get $250. Not a bad deal if you ask us. We are totally doing this!
You want in? We knew it! Here is what to do:
- Enter here to find out more details on the video (2 minutes or less and funny!)
- Select a product category when you submit. It will add that professional animation at the end! (found here)
- NO 3M PRODUCTS allowed in the video.
- You have until October 6th, 2011 - so get to it!
Like us, we hope you get your friends involved and Share on Twitter and Share on Facebook ! We want to see what you come up with and are excited to share our video too when we are done! Remember to keep it clean and don't be mean! It's meant to be fun and funny!
Reader Comments (1)
I like the backcolor,and the pictures are so beautifu! Thanks for your sharing!
runescape gold