Brimfield Recap #1
Ah! Brimfield! I didn't think we were going to make it! I was vomiting for two days straight and successfully hid it from Joey until day three when I broke down and collapsed from being sick. I figured if he didn't know how sick I was, we would get to go to Brimfield! It was super important to me for a few reasons. Reason #1, this would effectively be the 6th trip we had paid for and not taken in the past three years. Reason #2, my life has been about everyone else for an ENTIRE year. I seriously have done so little for myself. My dad, husband, and doctor have all been telling me to relax. I have literally driven myself to the hospital more than once from over working myself. My body literally breaks down and then I panic when things get backed up. Brimfield was going to be my relief this year. It was important, but my odds of going were almost nada based on how I felt, and the amount of work I had/have going on. Then, my amazing husband made it all go down.
He packed us up late at night and drove us to a friends house in Boston. We spent the night there and then early the next morning we were off to Brimfield! I was totally on medication to get me through it, but it was so worth it! So here is part one of our Brimfield adventures!
Gretchen invited Joey and myself to the #Brimfield Tweet up. I have to say if you are a blogger (and even if not) the tweetup is the way to go!
The tent was beautiful and chock full of of awesome. An insane bar along with a friendly and talented bartender, a clean and dry place to rest your puppies, awesome bloggers.
Being BIG Robert Allen Fans, it was exciting to see the new naturals line sneak peek at the #brimfield tent!
We spent a lot of time shopping, and we will share all the photos of what we thought awesome, and what we actually brought home in post #2. Below is a taste of a few small things we picked up and love so much!
Joey walked away with this compass from England for $40. He really loves it and I have to admit, it's
pretty neat!
I am in LOVE my my whale paper weight/clip! He's heavy brass and totally cute. Hi, Mr. Whale!
This little brass bunny is the protector is stamps! You are such a cute little guy!
I fell in love with this pillow! It's going in the kiddie room!
I tried to win a sailboat on ebay twice and failed! Hello $5 find at Brimfield!
Little brass peacock, you belong to me! Can't decide where to put you, but I want to see you around!
I know these pillow cases scream grandma, but I couldn't handle it. Joey couldn't understand my squeals of happy, but I know I'll have sweet dreams on these!
Joey was very happy our friend Tyler was at Brimfield. It was super cute to watch them shop!
This tent made me feel like a little girl!
How we will do Brimfield Next Time:
We will definitely be back! Next time we go going EARLY on day one! I totally feel we missed out on what the pro's picked through! Now that we know what to expect, we will be way more prepared. You will walk A LOT. The ground is uneven and dressing cozy is super important. We went when everything was very wet, so I suggest if you are going in May, you be prepared. Some tips that worked for us:
- We brought a TON of reusable bags from IKEA and supermarkets like Trader Joes and Whole Foods - Totally came in handy!
- Don't bother getting a manicure before hand! Mine was trashed 1/2 way through the day!
- When you want to bargain with a vendor, but aren't use to it, try askig this: "Would you consider taking $X for this". It worked well for us and I didn't feel slimy after.
- DON'T leave at the end of the day. Traffic is INSANE! To go 2 miles can take two hours! Go early, leave early, repeat!
- Do the #Brimfield Tweetup! It's worth it. Trust.
- Print a schedule of what fields open when - it will be useful!
- Be aware cell service is totally choppy
- If you are vegetarian, be warned! You will be living on kettle corn and soggy potato pancakes! Bring something to eat.
Note to Brimfield Vendors:
I don't want to be a nosey Nelly, but I think you learn from outsiders observing, and this is just my take - so take it with a grain of salt :)
- Please! Please! Please! More midcentury modern vendors! There were like two tents with any midcentury modern pieces! The North East is seriously lacking and I PROMISE YOU, you would bank if you came to Brimfield with some Danish Lamps.
- I was a little confused about the pricing. I would have gone home with SO MUCH more if I didn't know any better. Some items were X2, X3, and X4 more than they should have been. I understand a lot of vendors are shop owners and have their "shop" prices on things. Maybe keep these things back at the shop?...
- I am not easily offended, but there was a lot of "nazi" items which threw me. I wanted to hide it behind stuff.
- I heard a lot of shoppers complaining about the "crafts" and "reproductions".
One of the few midcentury modern tents.
Overall we met some AMAZING people and had a total blast! I am so excited to share what we bought! Joey actually bought MORE than I did! I wish I wasn't feeling so dreadful. We relaxed the following day to recoup from all the walking around. I wish I had the energy to hang out with the #brimfield tweetup group longer!
A BIG thanks to @gaubuchondesign @thedailybasics for involving us in such an amazing time! These ladies are truely talented and amazing!
Did you go to Brimfield? Find anything great? Any tips for future trips? Comment and let us know!