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Cozy Nook for the Master Bedroom

Happy Monday lovlies! We hope your weekend was kind to you. Little peeks of Spring were coming through all weekend for us, it's very exciting. This weekend we got completely off track, perhaps we were drunk from the happiness that Spring is coming! We were working on a project for our post this weekend and intended on priming the rest of the master bedroom, then we got......distracted.

See the very distinct line that divides the primed from the unprimed? It's been there two weeks, and it's driving us bananas. So we suited up and drove to our Local True Value to get all the paint supplies we needed to finish up the room, then we got distracted by a flyer in the mail. A special flyer, which said "Up to 75% off this weekend only" from ABC Carpet and Home. We stopped, dropped, and shopped. 

We have mild guilt for not getting the walls done, but we kinda feel OK about it because we did get some of the master bedroom done. The couch was $1800 reduced to $600, the ottoman was $600 reduced to $300 and the cowhide rug was $999, reduced to $349. Can you scream SCORE with me? 

We are very close to being complete with the room, and it's so exciting. We need to:

  • finish the walls
  • buy a fan (which we have picked out)
  • buy a media stand for the tv (see that nasty why wire? that will finally be gone!)
  • place coffee table in room (it's being shipped)
  • buy & hang art work
  • pick out curtains
  • pick out linens


Doesn't seem that bad, right? Just a little tweaking and editing, and the room will be complete! We love how it's coming along, and didn't really plan on this direction, but it's what's working for us right now. It's kinda Moroccan-British-Cowboy right now. 

Now, as a vegetarian, I feel obligated to address the issue of the cowhide rug. Joey was shocked that not only did I agree to it, but suggested it. This is beyond bold for me, being a vegetarian for, oh, twenty-six years now.  I have a separate grill for my tofu and vegetables, I won't share space with meat in the fridge, I don't even wear leather. So why the change of heart? We agreed on a leather couch for practically reasons. The fabric in our house gets constantly destroyed by Porkchop, Rocket and Zoey. Since the subject of children is coming up more and more, I can only imagine that added level of destruction. It was a quality of life/financial decision. So back to the cowhide. I figured, if an animal was killed to make a couch, and I agreed to buy it, what's the difference with buying a cowhide rug? Bottom line, a dead cow, is a dead cow. These are just my thoughts, and by no means am I promoting or discouraging the purchase of leather - it's just a change I made in my mind, and felt obligated to express. 

This is a shot I took to try and show all of the elements we are bringing in, married together. We decided to not bring in any color, and to just use neutrals. We are also very excited for the day we deal with that cable running across the room....and finish her all up!

What did you do this weekend? Is Spring showing her lovlie in your parts? We would love to know of any weekend warrior projects you have done!


10 Things to do to Prep for Spring

Hello lovelies! I am very excited Spring is upon us. This Winter was an exceptional one. More snow than I ever experienced in all my life all combined. So with great joy, I am brining you 10 things to do to prep for Spring, because after all if it's Spring in your mind, it's Spring outside!

1.) How does your Garden Grow?

We don't have a green thumb. Not even close. I kill about 75% of the plants that come into this house, but I am determined to grow a garden of fruits, veggies, and flowers. I am prepared this year! Wish me luck!

2.) Purge, Donate, Trash, and Breathe.

Gotta lotta clutta? Somehow we racked up about a million boxes, filled every closet, and already want to swap out furniture we got specifically for the house - and it's only been 15 months. Check out a challenge room, which has turned into a catch all...

Ugh..thanks goodness it's Spring in my head and I got to cleaning out this unused breakfast nook. We have bigger and better plans for this space, and we cant wait to share. But for now, at least she's clean.

We threw away a bunch, made a box for donations, and stored some away. We gave ourselves a one box limit for stuff we don't use, but wanted to keep. If we don't touch what's in the box by next Spring, off to donations it will go. 

3.) Lighten Up!

I feel better in Spring. I like to walk the dogs, go outside, and notice things more. This year I am going to buy a bicycle and explore my "new" town more. Maybe you are into Yoga or hiking. Whatever your thing, Spring is surely the time to wash the stress away and do something you like. 

4.) Get Together

We love having BBQ's! People in "the city" don't like crossing bridges and tunnels to get to those of us who no longer dwell there. Hence, it's a special occasion when we all get together to just hang out and do nothing and everything at once. Spring is the perfect time for those get togethers. It's far enough away from Christmas, and before we start our Summer travels. Plan a get together. It's worth it.

5.) Make Do

The sunshine aint gonna quit once Spring is "really" here! Make stuff. Fix stuff. Alter stuff! So many farmers markets will have scrumptious fruits, make a tart! Paint the house (God knows we need to!), build something, use those extra day light hours to get done what you lost this Winter. 

6.) Go Shopping!

Even if it's window shopping. Shopping draws inspiration. It shows you the trends, what's new, and even how to rework what you already have. We love shopping, even when we don't buy anything.  

7.) Plan a Road Trip/Get out of Town

This is a must. What's better than the wind in your hair? Driving down an empty highway seeing new sights? Spring is so the time for this! Plan something now! It will make you miss home in addition to creating some new memories and perhaps finding something cool to bring home with you. 

8.) Scrub, Scrub Scrub

Here is a quick guide to scrub your abode to make it squeaky clean this Spring. 

  • Pour boiling water down all sinks including, kitchen, bathtubs, and bathrooms
  • Put the winter comforters away, and pull out the lighter stuff
  • Run the washing machine with only vinegar added, your next load should be whites only
  • Vacuum and mop under all bulky furniture including the fridge, behind heaters, and inside fireplaces
  • Wipe down all small kitchen appliances and electronics, including the power cords 
  • Steam clean the curtains
  • Take down all hanging art, mirrors and picture frames and dust
  • Wash baseboards throughout house and fans in every room
  • Swap out high wattage bulbs for energy-efficient 3-way bulbs
  • Take all books and trinkets off bookshelves and dust
  • Take all rugs outside and beat them
  • Clean out closets and donate what you don't need
  • Set up your compost
  • Set up your seedlings indoors (yay!)
  • Make some cleaning solutions* see below for some recipes
  • Clean fridge out and replace a baking soda
  • Buy new cleaning tools
    I got a little book Make Your Place, and it has a ton of info on how to make a lot of your own cleaning solutions and a whole lot more. Here are a few of my faves:
    All Purpose Spray Cleaner:
    1 t liquid castile soap
    2 T white vinegar
    3 Drops Tea Tree Oil
    1 t Borax
    2 C hot water
    1/4 t eucalyptus & lavender oil
    Mix all ingredients together in spray bottle. Don't use on glass. 
    Homemade Bleach:
    1 c hydrogen peroxide
    15 c water
    3 T lemon Juice
    Mix together and keep in large plastic container. 


9.) Refresh

I love the smell of fresh sheets and a clean house. Which is why I love the days that follow the big Spring Clean! I refresh the decor in the house, and switch out fabrics, swap out trinkets, and it really makes me feel like Spring when I do this - with open windows of course!

10.) Enjoy!

What's all the hard work worth if you can't enjoy Spring?

What do you do to prep for the Spring? Do you have a cleaning list or a home made recipe for cleaning solutions? Share!


The Tree is Done!

I am so  so so over the moon excited, happy, and overjoyed (they all mean the same thing, eh?) that the amazing mural Duane has been working on is, in fact, complete. It's the most amazing tree I have ever seen in my entire life, and the face that it was created by one of the most amazing people I have met in my life, makes it beyond special. The Tree of Life, over at Disney use to be my favorite tree ever. That was until Joey broke my heart and told me it was a fake tree. Kinda like the day I found out Santa Clause wasn't real.

So now we have our very own special fake tree, which was a total labor of love from our very special and methodical friend. Needless to say, it's my new favorite tree. 

From this here above, to this here below, she was grown.

The details can not be missed!

There she is. We love her. And we love Duane too. Yay for another step in the kids room.