Junk in the Trunk
Whew! Yesterday was exciting! If you missed the buzz check out #pinterestchallenge on twitter or the post below! We would super love if you can join in the Pinterest Challenge and be inspired to knock something off your Pinterest to-do list!
Not that long ago we went to Elephants Trunk in Connecticut. We started going last year and have been successful with each trip. This year we got about three rows in before we found the "golden" piece we wanted to adopt. One problem, she wouldn't quite fit in our trunk...
Never say die! I bet the people at BMW never thought their emergency kit would be used for fitting
junk in a trunk. Just one tiny screwdriver, and we were set!
Joey just took the wooden frame off our secret piece, and she was finally ready to come home.
A ton of sweat later we were back on our way to New York with some prized possession. This time we bought only art. The secret piece above, and some fun stuff below!
If you can't quite see because of the glare it's a creepy boy in a kilt pointing and a black and white photo of an all-girls school class. Lurv. Call us weird, we don't care. :)
We don't quite know where we are putting the creepy boy, or what to do with that gaudy frame, but we found a home fir the black and white picture right away.
And what's with the big 'ol piece that didn't fit in the trunk you ask? Let's zoom out and see!
Ta-da! It's a prohibition Schlitz sign! Being Schlitz couldn't sell beer, they sold their syrup! It's a
bit worn and has a ton of character. It's made of tin and framed in wood. It just so happened to
fit perfectly over the table Joey made. A few more angles for your viewing pleasure...
We are super loving it. It's the second thing we have hung on the wall to date. The first, if you missed it, wasn't that long ago! Oh, the panic of hanging something perfectly!
So now that question at hand is, what to do with this creepy boy? Is it too whack-a-do to hang in a very open space? Think neighbors and new friends seeing it in the living room or foyer. Perhaps in the upstairs hallway or a bathroom. Thinking. Thinking....
Tell us what you would think if you saw this bad boy hanging out in an entry way...