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Entries in quicky (9)


Slap some paint on it: A Quicky Blog Squad Project


Ohhhhh how we love a quick, cheap project!

What do you get when you mix an outdated brass floor lamp and a bottle of XO Rust spray paint? An awesome-up-to-date  floor lamp that can live in any room!

The floor lamp was a hand-me-down from Joey's Amazing Aunt who gifted us all sorts of goodies this past Fourth-O-July! This piece we all collectively cringed at, but I had plans for this dated wonder. 

True Value told us about XO Rust, and we were so excited to try it out. We have a bunch of updates we can't wait to slap this paint on, but first we needed to fix our sad little floor lamp before we battled the elements outside to spruce up the outdoor light covers, which look a little drab. 

This project is super simple:

Any metal, rusty, brass, or brassy item you want to give a facelift to.

A bottle or two of XO Rust indoor/outdoor spray.

- That's it! The paint has a "built-in" primer - so you are good to go.

Step away from you object! Only a couple feet, and with soft strokes about two feet in length(depending on what you are spray painting, I am using the floor lamp as an example) - spray back and forth! That's it. It was so over the top easy to transform this trash to treasure - I am for sure, newly addicted to this stuff. I will be hitting the junk markets soon - in search of rusty treasures to restore! 

Lets get legal: We were one of the 10 bloggers True Value has chosen to work on The Blog Squad , and we are way excited to take on the challenge of showing you exciting DIY projects.  They have compensated us for our time and writing, and provided materials for the projects we have worked on. However, our opinions are entirely our own and we have not been paid to publish positive comments. Did we mention we are excited to show you our DIY Blog Squad Projects?



Set The Table



Christmas came and went too fast. Admittedly, it was hard to take down the decorations. We surely didn't go overboard this year, but it was nice to have a little whimsy in our home. I wanted to do something to make the house feel "decorated" but not over done, so I turned to the living room to help boost the seasonal vibe.

It was quite easy to use stuff I had around the house to create a winter-y centerpiece I was happy with. I took a petite cake stand, which is all glass and built an atrium like home for my "candles". Look close! Those are electric candle in there, which is good because real ones couldn't work in that environment. I added a bright cake stand to place my stark winter white tea pot on, and put my mushroom atrium below.

Under all the pieces I layered doilies of different shades of white atop a fake wood grain table cloth. And there you go! I feel festive and happy whenever I look at it. Plus is was inexpensive, easy, and everythign can be reused for something else.



The UNChristmas Wreath



We are big fans of "waste not, want not". It's hard to dispose of things you just know you can "do something" with, hence; we make a lot of random things around our home. While watching TV last week, I couldn't help but turn my idle hands useful, and I made this simple wreath in a matter of an hour. It was quite simple. I wanted to make something with texture that would match our new burlap additions.


You can make this wreath your own. I used old vintage buttons and twine. I simple wrapped the twine around a foam wreath, using super glue ever few inches to secure it. I added buttons to crust part of the top, then used the same twine to hang it from. Instant gratification.. Swoooooon!