Master Bedroom Moodboard: Doppelganger Edition
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Good mornin'! Have you checked out our $200 give away going on right now? The lovely people over at Mirror Mate are sponsoring this give away and it's only running a week, so get it while the gettin's good!
When we stared piecing together our bedroom, aka the main event these days, we had a color scheme in mind, but no really a direction. We pieced together a bunch of moodboard, so we thought we would share what "could have been".
The obvious difference is the pops of pink and the more modern vibe kicking in. We loved how crisp and chic it felt, but it would just be a little weird in our 1930 home, plus the rest of our home is decorated a little more...well...older. I couldn't help but squeeze in a little ethnic flair into our in-progress bedroom. So here is doppelganger #1.
sources: 1.) chair 2.) sheets 3.) pouf 4.) side table 5.) curtains 6.) mirror 7.) side table 8.) bed 9.) rug
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