Shim Shimma
Hello lovelies! We are off to a late start this week, with good reason. My dad turned 70! We took a little trip to celebrate with some family and now we are back home cracking the whip at the good 'ol to-do list! Gotta love the perks of real time blogging!
So, we have been living like this in our master bedroom for months....
Ugh. Not so safe. Not so pretty. I just super hated those plastic off white guards so much. So, We switched out all the faceplates in the room with these...
Mucho better! Notice one of the slots where a switch is supposto live is empty? That's where good 'ol Mr. fan is going to reside - once we finally make a decision on a fan! So for now this one looks a bit wonky, but the rest look super slick!
One thing we are on the fence about it the white switch inside the faceplate. Just don't know how to feel about that yet, but we are super in love the with hearty brushed metal faceplace, no doubt. Now to think about the brass knobs! Some more shimma we added to the room came in the form of spraypaint!
The master bedroom had this tiny speck of pink I just couldn't handle any more. I had to do something about it. I loved the vase that was pink, but I just didn't dig the color for the bedroom
So I lugged her outside while Joey was working on the cabinets for the kitchen, plopped us in the middle of the back yard along with some silver spray paint and foil.
I wrapped the rubber plant in the foil, as to not put stress on her by repotting, the potting back in the pink vessel. She's one of the few plants I haven't killed yet.
Then I simply went to town with the silver spray paint. No prepping or priming, just straight paint on vase action. And it worked. And it looks sooooooooooo much better in the bedroom!
It's not that I don't like pink, I love pink! I just didn't want pink in the bedroom!
So there it is! I am still figuring out what to do with the foot of the vase. I want to think of something unique!
So how was your weekend? Did you add some shimma somewhere in your home?! I want to see.
Reader Comments (8)
Though I did not add any shimma to my home (what a great...word? sound?) I will say that I really like the white in the middle of the silver. It's a nice contrast, and it keeps the switches interesting.
Also, the vase...pot....thing looks so much better in silver than in the pink. I just wouldn't have liked that color pink in general, let alone in your bedroom, where pink really isn't part of the color scheme! But it looks totally amazing and the plant seems happy enough. (Is that really a rubber plant? If so, awesome.)
@aarthid haha yea! it's a rubber plant! i agree with the no pink! i thought i could force it in, but alas, no! i think we are digging the white in the middle of the silver faceplates. will keep you posted!
lookin' good!
the vase reminds me of a pineapple...its awesome.
haha, love the pineapple silver vase! I did not add any shimma to my house but I did make some awesome lipbalm with my little foster sister. Which kept her busy for half an hour, which is pretty long in 10 year old time. http://thefirstapartment.blogspot.com/2011/08/martha-stewart-sunday-lip-balms.html After that, it was nap time for the grownups though! Maybe next week, I'll add some Shimma!
@amymargaretc i super love the shape too!
@blair that's awesome! i want to make lipbalm!
What kind of clock is that?
@Mac that is a personal internet via Sony. So much more than a clock my friend. Way cool.