Because Everything is a Work in Progress
...which means, nothing is ever done! Thank goodness for the long weekend! We had an aggressive plan to "finish up" some pending items in the casa. Did you have a great 4th of July?! It would have been great to kick back, but we were just too backed up with our overflowing "to-do" list to have that luxury. Here is some of what we did.
Remember our post about the bedroom being done? I confessed it was done, but not final. If felt much better than it did before we painted the stencil wall, and built the bed, but by no means was it done - and it's still not, but we have made some progress this weekend!
We added some moment to the room and did a little styling. If feels good to have a "short" to-do list in this room now!
You may notice an old friend in this photo! Remember waaaaay back when, when I got this moose I was obsessed with from Z Galleries? He was meant for the mudroom, but his antlers were too large. See he just wouldn't fit. So this is what we settled on. His name is Humphrey, and a year later, he has a home over the fireplace in our bedroom. It took us a year, yes, but we have officially hung something on the wall.
Isn't he handsome?
He totally makes the fireplace cooler. I love him. Besides the special moment above the fireplace, I added a few more moments that make us very happy. It's been a while, but we found ourself in the bedroom, with the TV off, just looking around happy with what we have accomplished so far.
Like our Timothy Oulton console table. This isn't final-final, I would like to put a great chair there one day, but for now, we are happy with it.
This table kind of acts like a side table for me. The place where I put my hair bands and sleep masks all tucked away. The items are a random collection of finds from Target, Home Goods, Urban Outfitters, and vintage shops. Also Joey's favorite rock from when he was a child holds down some feedsack fabric under my alarm clock.
Joey's side of the bed looks a little something like this now:
Our to-do list is shorter as mentioned. It looks something like this:
- Buy and install fan
- Find a rug for under the bed
- Buy curtains
- Put pillars back up
- Fix the TV situation
- Hang art on the walls
Not too bad! If you are curious about the TV "situation", it looks like this right now:
Not very inspiring. And it's alllllll the way on the other side of the room. Sometimes the remote doesn't want to do it's thing because it's so far away.Here are more angels of our almost-done room.
So there you have it! I really think the rug and curtains will really cozy up the space. The plants have already done so much for it. Even these odd little air plants make me so happy.
Let us know what you think of the progress! We would love to know your thoughts. Living inside the bubble sometimes skews our perspective, that's why we always welcome what you guys think! You are a smart bunch!