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Entries in diy furniture (8)


One-A-Week-Wednesday with Pinterest

Welcome to our first one-a-week-wednesday! Did you guess from this post what project we picked?!

Yep! The winner is the fuzzy chair. Or if we are going to be classy, we are DIYing a sheepskin chair. Well, faux sheepskin. I just had to! It was quick, simple, and gratifying! The picture was pinned from this lovely site I discovered, care of Pinterest. 


She's pretty, eh? So let's see how we did. As with every project we like to be inspired  by things we see, and add our own twist and make it ours. 

We started with an old chair, I have no idea where it came from. We painted it basic white from a cheap spray paint can.

That was ther "hard" part. Painting and waiting for it to dry. Don't you love this project? Next we grabbed some small white nails we had on hand and secured a faux sheepskin Ikea rug we got for $10 to the shape of the chair. 

So, what did we accomplish?

After working on her in the kitchen, we moved her into her home in the front hall. We like here there a lot. It's a perfect place to put shoes on and take them off, and drop my bag when I walk in the front door. Who thought a DIY sheepskin chair would be part of our decor?

And what's up for next week? Maybe you can help us decide! 

Have you wrapped up a DIY project inspired by something you pinned on Pinterest? Link up and share!


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Introducing, One-A-Week-Wednesday

Yes! Finally! I am committing to a schedule more and more in my old age, and Wednesday is the mother of all awsomeness for me now. I will be obligated to, get this, do something I have pinned on Pinterest. Yep. It's my job people. Remember back in the Summer how Katie from Bower Power kicked off the Pinterest Challenege with Myself, Emily Henderson, and Young House Love? If you need to get up to date, check out the video below.

Also check out their Winter Pinterest Challenge if you haven't already! Anywho...

Inspired by these past events, I decided to self proclaim a pinterst challenge weekly, to myself. Hence, One-A-Week-Wednesday. I have pinned over 200 DIY ideas, projects and inspiration on my "Let's Make Something" board and have only accomplished one. Guess which one? The chalkboard fridge from the Pinterest Challenge! Yep!

pinterest challenge

Some projects are big (like huge-big), some are tiny. Some have more of a home ec thing going on, and other are puppy related.  Want to guess what we are working on for next week?

ikea sheep skin

One of these guys got us thinking, and we are working on getting her done! I love a good schedule and am so excited to have a "mandatory" DIY project on our plates that's fun and inspired by other talents. We have a lot of not-so-creative projects going on around here, and this will spice reno up a bit!


It's Progress Report Time People!

Hi there love! How was your Monday? I spent most of the day painting the downstairs guestroom. It already looks soooooo much better! Lighter, brighter! I would totally share photos, but it's a stencil project, and what's the fun in sharing the first layer? We also started hanging the refinished cabinets up in the kitchen! I do however have some photos to share! After 40 days and 40 nights of rain in the NYC, I finally got some shots of the upstairs guestroom with some sun light. She's done!

When I say "done", I mean shes in a condition we don't dread, and we know some other stuff needs to be done, but we are happy for now. It's totally our POW room. Everything in the house is pretty neutral so far, and it's a pretty random room. See we had a pretty colorful apartment, and I had so much stuff from Etsy and Anthropologie, I just had to make a room to justify keeping some of those prized possessions.

I had some left over fabric from the closet curtains, so I whipped up a little pillow for the reading nook. The chair I grabbed from the garden room and the fan we found ages ago at Elephants Trunk. The chandy is from Urban Outfitters, maybe 4 years ago.

So we are crossing this off the good ol' list! It was awesome to do a room at no cost! The only thing we paid for was the lamp and $100 for the fabric. I am dedicated to getting the next guest room done twice as fast. If you are keeping track, here is where we are at:

1.) Finish the kitchen cabinets (oil polyurethane yellowed, now we need to redo with water based. we were warned).

2.) Finish the curtains in the guest room; I reordered the fabric! Should be here soon! + Finish styling

3.) Greywash fireplace in bedroom

4.) Greywash heater covers in bedroom

5.) *Bonus* Greywash whole closet in master bedroom.

6.) Patch water leak in dining room + paint entire dining room

7.) Patch water leak in foyer + paint entire foyer ceiling

8.) Paint/Stencil downstairs guestroom - 1/2 DONE!

9.) Patch wall in downstairs bathroom

10.) Move couch to Joey's office; two flights of stairs...ugh!

11.) Buy new dishwasher and have it installed

12.) Buy five (yes five!) fans and install

13.) Install backsplash in kitchen

14.) Install counters in kitchen

15.) Purge my closet, big time - Hello Goodwill!

16.) Install light outside we bought two years ago - I know, I know...

17.) Hang pillars in bedroom + finish that window wall

Now that your down reading this, go enter this weeks giveaway!