Joey and I had been living in Brooklyn for a collective 15 years. What we didn't realize during that time was, most of our suburban upbringing had been thrown out the window when is came to "home life". We were often crammed in 1100sqft or less of space, trying to utilize every inch we had. We turned our only closet into an office. We stored boxed vertically. We tried very hard to live a clutter free life. Now we have a new issue. With all this space, we have no idea what to do with it most of the time. We realized our bedroom is the size of our old living space. We also realized we have crammed everything on one side of the room. I came out of the bathroom last night and proclaimed "We have space! We need to learn how to use it!".
It's not like we haven't prepared for more "quality living". I have a great collection of home magazines we have held onto for a long time (I knew I would have space some day...). I have a pretty decent collection of interior design books. I have a bookmark list of blogs that goes for miles. However with all this, we still don't have a plan. We have ideas and pretty pictures, just no plan.
So, I splurged. As an Amazon addict, it was natural I turned there first. I found some GREAT books I am so excited about. I wanted to share the list with you, as we will be going over some projects in the future. Also if you have any great resource, please share! We are in "make a plan" mode, i.e. we can use all the advice we can get!